Power Electronics Lab Exam
Those students of EEN 3rd year who have failed to attend their scheduled Power Electronics Lab (EENUGPC16) exams on 27/05/2024 and 28/05/2024 are given the last chance to appear for the said exam on 30/05/2024 (Thursday) 10:00 am onwards.
[As another sessional exam is scheduled in the department on that day, there may be some additional break(s) during the exam.]
Anti-Ragging Affidavit / Migration Certificate
Those who have taken admission in the academic year 2023 and are yet to to submit the Anti-Ragging Affidavit / Migration Certificate, you are informed to submit the same to the AUAT Office, 2nd Floor, Newtown Campus, Aliah University as soon as possible.
First Year Graphics Exam
CENUGES01 (Engineering Graphics & Design) Lab Exam cum Viva schedule
Notice regarding Seminar and Project
1. Students are requested to send their presentations (converted to pdf format as well as PPT format) to the mail ID ‘presentation.aliah.een@gmail.com’ before 10am on 08/01/2024 (for Summer Internship), 10/01/2024 (for Project) and 15/01/2024 (for M. Tech. Dissertation). The file should be given the name as of the title of the project/seminar/dissertation and the subject line of mail must mention the subject and course (e.g., B. Tech. Project II). Any other means of carrying presentation will not be allowed.
2. Spiral binding must be used for project report for both UG and PG final year students for odd semester only.
3. Original certificate with one photo copy of this summer internship certificate must be carried during the presentation.
4. Training report is mandatory during the examination. Either spiral binding or channel file for this training report must be used.
Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Exam
Those of the first year EEN students who have not appeared for viva exam and/or not submitted the lab file for the subject EENUGES02: Basic Electrical Engineering Lab, are given the last chance to do the same within 27/02/2022, by contacting the teacher on the mail ID 'aftab.ee@aliah.ac.in', failing which such students will be marked absent/failed in the said exam.
First year lab exam schedule (UG & PG)
Download File
B. Tech. 1st year Basic Lab exam will be conducted on 22/02/2022 instead of 21/02/2022.
Students' week

Regarding showing of Answer Scripts
All the students who have appeared in the theory exams conducted by this department in Autumn 2019 are hereby advised to check their corrected answer scripts, within 24/12/2019, by consulting the respective subject teachers. Any query/request regarding marks/answer scripts cannot be entertained after that.
EE601(old) exam
EE601 (old): Advanced Control Theory exam
Date: 06/12/2019 (Friday)
Time: 9:30 am
Electrical Machine Design (EE 381)
Electrical Machine Design (EE 381) exam will be held on 22/11/2019 Friday at 10am on class schedule time.
Tentative schedule_Special Supplementary Exam
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Subject to variation, please keep a watch for any modifcation.
M. Tech. specialization choice (2019-21)
All the M. Tech. students admitted to 2019-21 session are hereby instructed to enter their specialization preference in the preference sheet available in the department. It must be completed by tomorrow (28.08.2019) noon. After that the specialization will be allotted based on available seats, preference and AUAT rank.
6th Semester seminar postponed to Friday
B. Tech. 3rd year Seminar and Industrial Training report submission are shifted from 24/07/2019 to 26/07/2019 (Friday) from 10:00 am onward.
05.07.2019 Special Supplementary Exam Shifted to 10.07.2019
Special Supplementary Exams scheduled on Friday (05/07/2019) are rescheduled to Wednesday (10/07/2019), as follows:
EE405 (Power System Planning): 10/07/2019, 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.
HU401 (Professonal Values & Ethics): 10/07/2019, 2:00 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Rest of the special supplementary exams will be as per schedule notified earlier.
Sp. Supplementary Exam Schedule (Tentative)
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Keep watching for any update (modification).
Answer script checking
All the students who have appeared for exams during 'April-May 2019 End Semester Examinations', in the subjects offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering, are hereby informed to check their corrected answer scripts by approaching the respective subject teachers, within 19/06/2019 (Wednesday). The marks award sheets would be submitted to exam section after that date and any query/complain regarding marks would not be entertained thereafter.
Rescheduling of Final year exam
B. Tech. Final year exam is partially rescheduled as follows:
EE406 (Utilization): 08/05/2019, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Project (All group): 10/05/2019, 9:00 AM onward
EE406 exam postponed
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The exam scheduled for today's (03/05/2019, Friday) afternoon is postponed till further notice.
EN192 Language Lab Exam Schedule
9.4.19- CSE 1st year- 10-1pm and 2-5 p.m
11.4.19- CEN and MEN 1st year-10-1pm and 2-5 p.m
16.4.19- ECE and EEN 1st year- 10-1pm and 2-5 p.m
Venue for all: 2nd floor, Computer Laboratory, New Town Campus.
Showing of answer scripts
As per academic calendar, the last date of showing of answer script is 11th January 2019. Hence all the UG & PG students of EEN are requested to see their answer scripts by said date by visiting the respective teachers. Any request for showing answer scripts after that date will not be entertained.
Saturday working notice
The students are hereby informed that, as notified by registrar office via order no. AU/REG/0854/18, the coming Saturday (08/09/2018) is a working day and classes will be conducted following the schedule of Monday. Consequently, the classes will be off on 10/08/2018 (Monday).
B. Tech. final year
This is last reminder to B. Tech. final year students to submit their project group by Monday (13/08/18) forenoon. If groups not received, department may form random group as necessary.
Further, those who have not yet submitted their industrial training report and certificate must also submit the same by Monday (13/08/18) forenoon. Marks of the subject will be sent thereafter, marking absent for those not submitted.
M. Tech. Class routine
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Those who have not filled choice of specialization, please fill it at the earliest (within today-tomorrow). Based on choice and AUAT rank, the students will be equally divided into two specializations. If choice not available, the student(s) will be put in specialization as available.
Engineering Drawing Sp. Supplementary
Special supplementary exam of ENGINEERING DRAWING_CE 191 is scheduled to be held on 10.08.2018 at 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Civil Engineering Department.
Special Supplementary B. Tech. schedule July-Aug-18
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Keep a watch for any corrigendum/modification. M. Tech. schedule will follow.
Modification & addendum to Exam schedule _ Spring-2018
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B. Tech. final year modification and PhD course work exam schedule
Interim average attendance EEN BTech
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Average attendance of Jan-Feb -2018. Final percentage may change based on certain factors like attendance of March & April and inclusion of interdisciplinary subjects' attendance.