B. Tech. Curriculum (w.e.f. 2018-19 session)

B. Tech. CBCS Curiculum & Syllabus (w.e.f. 2019-20 session)


Programme Outcomes (POs):
PO-1: Engineering knowledge: Ability to model, analyse, and solve electrical engineering problems using knowledge of mathematics, physics, and engineering principles.
PO-2: Problem analysis: Ability to recognize, create, and analyse electrical engineering problems in the real world.
PO-3: Design/development of solutions: Ability to design and develop real-world electrical engineering solutions.
PO-4: Investigate complicated issues: Ability to build and create complex equipment and experimental systems for conducting in-depth investigations into a wide range of electrical engineering problems.
PO-5: Utilization of modern tools: Ability to create and use cutting-edge tools for modelling, assessing, and resolving electrical engineering issues.
PO-6: The engineer and the community: Dedication to a career as an electrical engineer capable of identifying answers to a variety of local and global issues that society faces.
PO-7: Environment and sustainability: Capability to conceive and develop cutting-edge methods for pollution-free environmental maintenance.
PO-8: Ethics and societal ideals: Ability and willingness to uphold professional ethics and societal ideals.
PO-9: Individual and collaborative efforts: Willingness and ability to think independently, take initiative, lead a team of engineers or researchers and inculcate team spirit.
PO-10: Communication: Communicate efficiently with fellow members and with the society at large so as to make an impactful report and presentation.
PO-11: Project management: Willingness and ability to take up administrative responsibilities involving both project and financial management confidently.
PO-12: Life-long learning: Willingness and capacity to participate in a variety of professional activities in order to continue a lifelong learning process.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs):
To prepare students for technical careers/industry and/or higher education by offering a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering.
To develop students of engineering into expert engineers capable of comprehending, analyzing, designing, and developing unique products and solutions to Electrical Engineering challenges that are technically sound, commercially viable, and socially acceptable.
To prepare students to act professionally, maintain professional ethics, and relate engineering concerns to technological and societal challenges.
To foster communication and teamwork skills, as well as a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving.

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